I am sorry, I know the question is vague. But, I am new to inkscape development and owing very little in-code commenting and guiding sections, the project seems to intimidating and big to understand by sheer hit-and-trial.
Till now I have figured out this: 1.) src\dialog contains all dialog boxes' codes. I happen to have fixed a bug recently, Bug-773228. during the course to figure it out, I understood "dialog" contents. 2.) Your direction tells me, "display" is handling the rendering part. 3.) The "widget" directory happens to handle basic functionality types land tools.
I really don't know what I need right now, but I was looking for a general understanding of how the code handles what to render on the canvas and then save it there and still enable editing. Maybe you mean, the code is abstracted onto Cairo's code, so we need not get behind the curtain. If that being the case, I would like to know, is there any general source for me understand these workings ?
Sorry, if the questions are stupid, I am not that bad at understanding code in general, but without any kind of documentation and help it becomes a little obscure.
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
On 29-10-12 10:57, Arshdeep Singh wrote:
Can you shed some light on SP Classes ?
Can you be more explicit about what you want to know?
Also, where can I get to know what inputs are passed on from Inkscape code to Cairo for various purposes like when I'm drawing a bezier or a rectangle ?
I think you are probably more interested in the src/display directory, as that's where the actual drawing is done (or Cairo is called at least). But it would help if we knew a bit more about what you're trying to do.