Okay, that's good to know. Testers are probably tons easier to find, too, so this sounds much more feasible. What would the procedure for them to follow be?
Ties into last message... let me know what kind of testing you need done and I'm all over it... like ice cream on a kids face. (hopefully not as messy though)
However... if bounties could get a few of us basic Windows machines
do testing on... :-D
Hmm, well we may be able to get Linux folk to donate unneeded WinXP, etc. licenses/CD's. dealsdepot.com has cheap refurbished machines
may be sufficient for Windows testing, in the $50-200 range (sans monitor), and I would assume we could get a couple dozen Windows users to donate $10-20 if it will help in the fight against Windows bugs.
IIRC, the issues with the licensing on XP is it's non-transferrable unless the machine it's attached to is transferred as well (not separating the two though). Meaning... from the technicality standpoint if I buy a new BIG BRAND box, wipe it and throw Linux on there, it's still not within my legal right to donate that copy of XP & license for use on another machine (damn EULAs), as it bound to that hardware. However, if you guys are willing to ignore that technicality, I believe I may know a person or 2 using Linux who would be more than happy to donate their copies of XP.