mental@...3... wrote:
Quoting "miriam clinton (iriXx)" <iriXx@...568...>:
I would have to agree with this, as a designer it is absolutely essential for me to know precise measurements that I may wish to reuse in, say, a suite of stationery and then send to a printer's.
Well, bear in mind we're talking about snapping sensitivity here. As far as I can tell, that's a UI thing which is tied to screen and mouse characteristics rather than document dimensions, sort of like mouse acceleration.
The question is -- is your printer going to be interested in the snapping sensitivity of your mouse? Ever?
(This does also raise the question of whether snapping sensitivity should really be a per-document setting...)
p.s. Welcome back!
Thanks! And apologies for my late reply... have been somewhat snowed under with work...
It seems that this topic has lead us into a hardware/software issue, somewhat akin to balancing color profiles when viewing on different monitors or with different graphics accelerators. For me, snapping sensetivity /ought/ to be something I have absolute control over with my requirements for print design, yet it seems from your description, if I read it correctly, that hardware-software communication may get in the way?
Personally, I desire absolute accuracy, but then again I also work in sound design and am accustomed to editing segments a few microseconds long - knowing that I can snap to the microsecond in ProTools - using flat-response studio monitor speakers... and get highly frustrated when I listen through speakers that have bass-boosting or nasty little PC speakers... ;)...
The per-document setting idea is interesting to me, particularly when it comes to working with both web and print design. For web, my computer is interested in the mouse only, and ymmv depending on web browsers... For print, I may be placing a design on a business card or custom-sized document and require to-the-millimitre accuracy or smaller when it comes to bleeds etc. Yes, I'm a perfectionist and fussy... but within a commercial environment sometimes this is necessary (I could post a scan of a colleague's business card as an example if anyone is interested).
I am not a coder, but simply commenting on the needs of users... It seems to me that the issue of whether snapping to this degree is possible depends not only on software but on hardware communication, and maybe even on the choice of desktop within GNU/Linux or Windows / Mac?...