Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to play around with version 0.40 for a while before posting and then I forgot about having drafted this message.
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, bulia byak wrote:
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 15:24:09 -0500 From: bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> To: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> Subject: [Inkscape-devel] layer commands we need
Here's a list of layer commands that we need to implement, comments and additions welcome:
First off you really dont want to have negative labels, they should be positive and the checkbox would indicate the state.
Layers... // opens the Layers dialog
New Layer
keybinding should definately be Ctrl+Shift+N
Move to Layer Above Shift+PgUp // move selection to the top of sibling layer above, or to the top of parent layer (but not root) if no siblings Move to Layer Below Shift+PgDn // move selection to the top of sibling layer below, or to the bottom of parent layer (but not root) if no siblings Move to Layer... // let me choose the layer name to move selection to
For the moment it does make sense to have these directly in the Layer menu but as other features are added and depending on how full the menu gets it may make sense to have them in a submenu
Layers Arrange Move Above Move Below etc
Unlock All Layers // unlock all layers in the document (or all siblings of the current layer?)
Unhide All Layers
If you are going to put this in the menus at all I would prefer to see (View in this case is analagous to Show)
Layers, View, Current Only All None Invert
and a simliar structure for
Layers, Lock, Option Option Option
Unlock All in Layer // unlock all children of the current layer Unhide All in Layer
Group to Layer // convert group to layer
While this makes a lot of sense from the way layers are already implemented as Groups I'm not sure this is the best way to go as it is very specific and not coming at it from the user point of view.
It might be better to have something more generic like "Convert to Layer" that would take the current selection and irrespective of it being a group or not and put it on a New Layer. (This would actually be the same as what I previously described as "New Layer from Cut").
Layer to Group
I could apply the same logic as above to this idea but I think it this case it might be more useful to retain the grouping.
In a hurry and dont have time to consider this in any further detail, hope these ideas help.
Alan Horkan
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