On Thu, 2014-11-20 at 22:05 +0100, Johan Engelen wrote:
FYI: I just had a friend upgrade to trunk to get the 0.91 unit behavior. He actually needs this for work to do a very accurate technical design. In other words: the viewBox change is /awesome/. It is very unfortunate that there are bugs related to it. But backing-off completely is a huge step back.
Including the viewBox IS awesome. I don't want to get rid of this part. What I want to suppress is changing the ratio between the SVG height/width and viewBox once the document is created which is what happens when the unit identifier is changes. It is this change that causes problems.
I thought most annoying bugs are related to changing the units for an existing document. Is that correct? If so, all we have to do is warn people about that, e.g. with an extra dialog telling people that changing document unit only works for fresh documents or 0.91 documents. Documents from earlier versions of Inkscape may have troubles.
0.91 documents don't work either once you've put in things like clips, filters, symbols etc. This is seriously broken. Changing units on a fresh document does work but then one can use the Generic Template to get whatever SVG unit you want.
I'm afraid we will run into the exact same problems when we postpone this change to the next release. My intuition tells me that there is no general way to properly upgrade a "broken" Inkscape pre-0.91 document that works in all cases. But I may be wrong of course.
On 20-11-2014 21:09, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
We need to decide what to do about a whole set of bugs brought on by the current behavior when changing inkscape:document-unit.[1] In 0.48 this attribute only effected what values were shown in the GUI. All values inside the SVG file were still stored as 'user-units' ('px' in CSS styles). In 0.91 changing inkscape:document-unit form the 'Page' tab of the Document Properties dialog changes the 'viewBox' and attempts to change all the length units inside the SVG file (rectangle width/height, etc.) to match. I can see how this could be useful but it is incredibly difficult to do right as illustrated by the number of bugs reported (and the many more I am sure have not been reported, think, for example of all the length values inside filters).
Question: How easy would it be to revert back to the 0.48 behavior for 0.91?
[1] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Units_In_Inkscape:_Document_Unit_Cha...