2017-01-08 7:58 GMT+01:00 Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...>:
On Sat, Jan 07, 2017 at 02:36:50PM -0800, Victor Westmann wrote:
I said previously that I would publish the results on January 31st but I believe there's no need to wait that much since the answers in the survey are the same for a couple of weeks now.
So, attached, is the result of the survey. If anyone needs access
else let me know.
A nice insight we can have reading the survey is that a big part of the Inkscape Community is willing to contribute to the software with $$ to foster a number of different developments. Which is great! ;-)
Yes, according to these results, about 2/3rds. Several mentioned Gtk3 specifically (which is in the works), and a couple specified wanting to fund bug fixing attention.
And of the 1/3rd not able/willing to donate, about half are interested in helping evangelize.
Regarding funded development, I have been (very slowly) working on a web tool to handle this. But nearer term it would be entirely feasible for us to do this manually. There's a few different roles involved in getting this set up, but Victor if you and others feel inspired/motivated it's totally something we could get under way in the relatively near term. We've already got some funding lined up, and the paypal side of things is all in place. We just need to set up a team to do the coordination. As the software comes online, the workload would diminish so the scope of commitment here would be limited.
During the last couple of weeks Inkscape has shown up 3 - 4 times in various discussions on HackerNews [1, 2]. While reading through the comments most of them that have anything against Inkscape is concerning Mac support, which I understand will be much better with Gtk3 (not an OS X user myself). The active contributers on HackerNews seems to be on the same page as those that replied to this survey.
[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13352041 [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13317259
Best regards