BUG ID Pts Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1059398 6 WIN JP: Crash when clicking file browsing wndw joncruz 1068818 9 WIN FR: Crash when launching program joncruz
1290300 3 Transform Does Not Allow Negitive Values ishmal 1282399 9 Snapping when drawing vs. snapping when editing cth103 1242995 3 Ruler problem, folowup from 1236819 rwst 1254664 9 Win32 - 0.42 Crash when clicking Help "About" bbyak 1224315 6 Just another lib problem rwst 1273990 3 Tester Mailign list on Web site bryce 1277695 3 Spelling mistake in dutch translation rwst 1286163 6 Transform Dialouge Does Not Allow Neg Values ishmal 1218610 6 grid arrange issues johncliff 1264289 3 German translation: "Um 90 Grad nach links" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 66 / 100
RFE ID Pts Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1281883 6 Icon preview based on canvas, not selection joncruz 1281885 9 128x128 size in icon preview joncruz 1165049 6 precision of x/y/w/h boxes 1277850 6 Color Blending Modes 963828 3 gridlock instead of the cursor 1211326 3 Bezier tool should have distinct cursor 856085 6 curve editing and right click menu 927908 3 REQ: display start.x,y end.x,y width height length angle 955788 6 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Support 902736 3 Shortcuts in button tooltips 1075878 3 command line export to eps 1124499 3 CMYK color from 1 to 100 instead to 255 JonCruz 1173740 3 Shape controls should be differentiated by shape 880110 9 TOOLS/NODE EDITING: Add/subtract nodes + scissor tool 1043374 3 ability to add a node at the extremity of a path. 1084658 3 Connectors and textboxes 1283620 9 Smart Line Connectors between shapes 1083230 3 list of translations on the web site kees 1175304 3 Hard to retrieve version info kees 965791 9 CUPS printing 950969 6 INPUT: Wacom Tablet + Pressure Sensitivity Lindgren 862691 9 NODE EDITING: Dragging curve segment acspike 1055117 6 FAQ should address import/export issues bryce ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 130 / 100