On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:12 AM, su_v <suv@...2204...> wrote:
Personally, I'm not sure current trunk is ready to be released as is as
new stable version [4], but then again of course I always have that
impression before a new release branch is created (since I mostly deal
with the bugs and regressions, not with what actually works) ;-)

I will throw out there that while it's a platform specific issue, I've seen enough complaints on various forums/discussions to merit saying the following bug should be high priority: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1416674
Re cmake: I don't recall seeing any reports/feedback about (successful
or not) usage of cmake with current trunk on Windows (32bit or 64bit
devlibs); all I know at the moment is that 64bit Windows builds of trunk
are broken anyway - unrelated to cmake (a patch was recently proposed [5]).

Cmake builds are currently broken on Ubuntu Wily, it looks like it's "finding" a library in a location where it doesn't exist. Just figured I'd throw it out there as a heads up. 2geom has the same issue for the record and it's regarding libgsl.
