I just update the trunk branding folder.
I try to reopen de discussion for a open font for "Inkscape" text like for "Draw Freely" to include in branding folder and in the website instead the current Calluna Regular, not free.
I just remember Gez put one on the list he like.
Any thoughts?
El mar, 15-03-2016 a las 22:43 +0000, noreply@...1881... escribió:
revno: 14709 committer: Jabiertxof <jtx@...2894...> branch nick: trunk timestamp: Tue 2016-03-15 23:42:46 +0100 message: Updates to the branding folder. removed: share/branding/draw-freely.ru.svg added: share/branding/euphoriascript-regular.ttf share/branding/inkscape-flat.svg modified: share/branding/draw-freely.svg
-- lp:inkscape https://code.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk
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