12 Jun
12 Jun
9:53 p.m.
2011/6/12 Alex Valavanis <valavanisalex@...400...>:
Hi Josh,
The small icons that appear in the handle of our docked dialogs are all rendered in this manner as far as I can tell. At the moment, upstream gdl only allows dialogs to be created either with no icon in the handle at all [gdl_dock_item_new()] or with a stock icon in the handle [gdl_dock_item_new_with_stock()]. We have added a new option [gdl_dock_item_new_with_pixbuf_icon()] that allows a pixbuf icon to be used in the handle.
I think the best solution would be to expose the GtkImage widget that displays the dock icon as a property, so that we can use gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf or gtk_image_set_from_icon_name on it.
Regards, Krzysztof