On Friday 16 February 2007 16:46:42 you wrote:
On 2/15/07, Vladimir Savic <vlada@...1658...> wrote:
Hmmm.... I've been using this great app since .40 version, but have never thought it is possible acheiving it this way?! Great for this feature exists, but I really think it would be much more obvious doing color discarding like I've described.
That's why it's not only middle-click but also in the right-click menu
- to make it more discoverable.
Anyway, I remember we have a RFE to add a "no color" swatch to the palette that would be usable to remove paint from either fill or stroke. I think this solution would satisfy us both: you get a way to do this with single click (ok, shift+click for stroke), and I won't have to further clutter the already cluttered style indicator :)
You mean Corel-like style?! I don't like it even if I think it's the best vector editing program out there (10+ years of experience). Just for a note (if you bring this idea alive): "No color" swatch "color" would need to be visible even if you scroll palette right or left -- always at the first position in the palette. (Corel TM) :)
It wont be cluttered. It would be much more useful. I prefere doing everything possible using only one hand. But I guess it's a matter of taste (This doesn't mean I gave up the idea :) )...
Not like that. I've ment something more like:
Fill: [alphaFFFFFFF|FFFFFFFFFFFF] Stroke: [alphaSSSS|SSSSSSSS]___1.0
I'll attach mockup. Even I can't understand my own writing. :)
So, always leave a fixed empty space there? Why is this better?
Take a look at the screenshots I've provided once again. Stroke width I'm usually dealing with are 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2. These are mainly one character numbers and I really have problem clicking right at them. "1" is literally 2mm wide and 3mm tall (speaking of real-world on-screen appearance) of the character.
Whole style indicator could be much better organized. Hints: 1) "Make ... opaque" menu option should not even be in the menu if alpha is already at 255 2) The same option should appear only on left side of widget if alpha is less then 255. 3) CTRL+mouse click and drag left/right could increase/decrease alpha of selected color from 0-255. Of course, there must be trashold of some 10-15 screen pixels before this option gets active 4) Double click could bring fill and stroke dialog visible (that's why I've proposed trashold) 5) IMHO, layer options at status bar are outdated with perfectly useful layers dialog 6) I could possibly bring much more ideas... And please don't consider this to be "your program sucks" attitude, because it isn't. I love Inkscape and use it at daily basis. Great app! Just wanted to throw in some user (me) driven ideas. Mostly because I really avoid using Fill and Stroke dialog -- it takes 1/4 of my 1024x768 screen and that is just too much. Too many dialog open/close steps...