Dear Josh,
I have been working on the bug #1060837:
(Please go through the link to know about the bug)
The bug involves depicting the CMS values of a CMYK using Color Space on a scale of [0,100] rather than the default [0,1].
I have up till now setup un-editable GtkEntry Values which shall depict the values that the artist wants ( on the 0 to 100 scale ).
Here is a screen-shot:
I am facing to problems:
1) How to distinguish that a CMYK based color-space is selected ?
I am accessing the Colorspace through the ColorProfile object like this-if( asICColorSpaceSig(newProf->getColorSpace() ) == cmsSigCmykData ) {_cmsCMYK = TRUE ;}else {_cmsCMYK = FALSE ;}
I have placed this snippet in appropriate places (_setProfile function, _profileChanged function etc ). But nothing seems to really work . Am I using the correct equality condition ? Can you help in this ?
2) How to setup a GtkEntryBuffer for the GtkEntries I have drwan for the artist ?
I wrote a small function:char* getAdjustmentVal (GtkAdjustment *_adj){gdouble _val=gtk_adjustment_get_value (_adj);_val=100.00*_val;guint _corrVal= _val;char* arr;itoa( _corrVal, arr, 10 );return arr;}then I used:
gtk_entry_buffer_set_text( ....)
but I end of getting runtime errors.
The sequence of loading the data before drawing the widget to screen is correct. But I get runtime errors. Maybe because the set text function requires a const array. Any suggestions on that ? What changes are required in the function ?
--Arshdeep Singh
Third Year, Computer Engineering
Delhi Technological University
Ph: +91-9654115614