Thu, 19 Mar 2009 21:47:07 +0000 (GMT) Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> kirjoitti:
"256 levels is not a limitation of SVG itself, but a limitation of Inkscape rendering engine. Using more than 8 bits per colour component would help with this problem, but likely would require quite a bit of work."
It has some consequences on the blur quality (banding problems) and also the progressiveness of the height maps (odd plateaus). I don't know if this work could be done for the 0.47 release. I can't evaluate the amount of work because I am not a programmer. However that's not a limitation for my work on filters.
If there is banding visible with blur, moving to higher bitdepth is not going to help (unless there are some quality-loss bugs in blur rendering): even if Inkscape internally used 16-bit colours, they must be converted to 8-bit to be displayed on screen. Some kind of dithering might help, though.