Hello list,
I have two problems with Inkscape:
1. Everytime I want to input Chinese, Japanese, Korean or a Raw Unicode Value, I use Scim (more precisely Skim). Usually, the not yet committed string of characters is displayed on the spot, the same way as ordinary (e.g. German) strings are displayed. When I choose another character in Scim, the previously written character in the text is deleted and replaced by another one. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_input_method#Kana_to_kanji_conversion as an explanation of how this works). In Inkscape, by contrast, the precommited string is displayed in a seperate box which is somewhere on the screen. I can do all the actions there, but it is extremely annoying because I always have to search the little box and not before I submit the string it is shown in the destinated area.
See http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1135/scimgm1.jpg
I have the same problem with Abiword, so I guess it is somehow a problem of GTK. But I do not have the problem with Firefox, so I think there must be a solution to it. I do not have any other gtk programs (apart from Openoffice, but there, scim does not work in any way) so I cannot test this any further as to where this happens.
I can't really stress how annoying this problem is. It makes Inkscape almost unusable for typing a longer text in a CJK language.
I have Gentoo and tested it with version 0.45.1
2. Also I wanted to choose the fonts “EPSON 教科書体M” and “文鼎PL細上海宋Uni” in a text field. Note the Japanese/Chinese characters in the font name. Inkscape did display the fonts correctly during the initial font choice, but after I chose the font, it just displayed “EPSON”. It did not choose the Font, then, but happily continued using the former font.
Thanks Gerrit Sangel