On Sat, 2014-05-10 at 16:17 -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
One side task for the contest is that we should come up with a theme or concept. People don't need to adhere to the theme with their submissions, but it's always interesting to see what people come up with when they do. Given the amount of time between major releases I think something along the lines of "shedding skin" (like a snake or cicada), I don't know, something "transformative". Any suggestions anyone?
Maybe keep the snake one for when we've moved the code base to python ;-)
I feel like this release is like our coming out from a mini ice age. All the features built up on top of the Inkscape mountain for so long and finally the ice is thawing, the glaciers are retreating and the features are flowing into the river on their way to down-streams.
Theme suggestion: Melting Glaciers (inkscape, global warming edition ;-))