Would anybody else find it helpful if "about inkscape" showed a list of all the patches that were applied? Not the ones that were committed to trunk, but the ones that are still in play, so to speak. At any given time I have several that have been submitted but have not yet been checked on OSX and then committed. Or they fell through the cracks for some other reason and were never committed, or have not yet been posted. The mixture that are present in any given build may vary, and diffing the patch files to see what is what is not fun.
That said, I'm not at all sure how one would coerce bzr and patch to allow this. Presumably there would be a "patches.cpp" containing text something like:
... "this patch", "that patch", ...
and each patch would stick a name in there to identify itself. Before commit, just remove the patch specific for "patches.cpp". I suspect patch might get awfully confused by that file. It would probably be easier to apply the patches through a script so that:
./apply_patch.sh for_this.patch
would take the file name and automagically edit it into the file, while dropping the "bzr diff" generated path TO "patches.cpp".
Just a thought,
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech