28 Feb
28 Feb
10:42 p.m.
On 28-2-2013 15:20, Guillermo Espertino (Gez) wrote:
El 28/02/13 05:06, John Smith escribió:
Any other changes/suggestions ?
I have a few changes to propose. I think we should try grouping the shortcuts by complementary functions. For instance, the shortcut you propose for select, "s" and the node editing shortcut "n" are too separated, and that makes you look at the keyboard to switch between them. If we use "s" for select and "e" for nodes (like in "edit nodes") you can easily cycle between them without looking at the keyboard.
You can easily switch between the select tool and another tool using the space bar. Go into the node tool, press space to go to selection tool, press space again to go to node tool.
Easy! Johan