Am 23.07.2017 um 23:22 schrieb Michael Soegtrop via Inkscape-devel:
I have some experience with creating build systems which use specific package versions based on Cygwin. Since there is a working MSys build, it shouldn't be difficult to build with specific package versions - one just has to create a local cygwin or MSys package repository, which keeps these specific versions and tell the Cygwin/MSys installer to use that one. The Cygwin installer creates a suitable repository as a cache automatically. Not sure how this works with MSys, but I guess it has similar features. The main issue here might be to get the versions mentioned in the Wiki. One might have to build them from scratch.
If someone has a years old cache folder of Cygwin or MSys with all the old package versions, please put is somewhere.
It would make sense to run two builds, one with the latest packages and one with an archived set of packages.
Best regards,
(just for clarification: we're using MSYS2, not MSYS! Also we're creating native builds based on mingw-w64, not Cygwin builds)
While I agree on the idea of having CI with packages using the minimal version numbers it does not make that much sense to uses MSYS2 as a base as it's designed to be rolling release and constantly develops. Creating our own package repository sounds like a lot of unncessary work, especially as I doubt a "years old cache" of MSYS2 would be able to build Inkscape at this stage (as a matter of fact I added some packages myself and fixed some bugs in others along the way). I assume it'd be much easier to decide on some old but widespread Linux distro an base CI on that.
Regards, Eduard