bulia byak wrote:
On 11/16/06, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
Speaking of new Gtk, what's the word on removing the text entry we hacked into the file dialog? Newest Gtk appears to have its own text entry again, and ours breaks it. I'd like to have that resolved for the release too.
Agreed, that must be fixed. Users of pre-2.10 can either upgrade or live with Ctrl+L for a while.
Done. Notice that with FileChooser evolving and our hacks becoming unnecessary, the basic dialog code is becoming trivial. All of the work is with the previews and the filters.
One thing I noticed: earlier I hit ^L to get the real location field to appear, but it is now visible always. Was this my imagination, or does this get saved in the cache along with the shortcuts?
On the SaveAs side, I think the hack to force-expand the file directory tree is still necessary.
Typeahead doesn't seem to be working yet.