Hi Johan,

I noticed that when I looked through the source code just now. Most probably did not get the latest version of inkscape as
I am on an older Ubuntu lucid system.

Will try to update and message again in case there are any problems but I guess it can be considered as fixed.

Very useful extension for my daily work, thanks for your efforts.


On 12 November 2012 12:26, <jbc.engelen@...2592...> wrote:

---- M H <martin.hehn@...400...> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I found a small bug in the PDF+LaTeX export module. In the generated
> tex-file that contains the object placement information for latex a few
> comment character at line ends are missing.
> This causes some funny misalignment effects if the final pdf with
> superimposed text is wrapped into other latex-command. Sometimes LaTeX
> requires to know where a line ends, otherwise undesired spacing is created.
> We have identified the lines with missing comment characters '%' here:
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/82080/pictures-from-inkscapes-pdflatex-export-positioned-wrong-in-nodes
> and I would not mind to fix this myself, but I can not find where the
> PDF+LaTeX module is located in the inkscape branch. If someone could please
> point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

I thought I had fixed this in r10154. Can you try with 0.48.3 ?
