Gray must stay no matter what. It's really fundamental. Blues and reds
can go, if you really insist. Greens is actually multi-hue so is more

I agree, but perhaps the stepping between values can be shortened.  we'd really hate to put a fat scrollbar in the way for a few extra increments right?

Other multi-hues are all non-trivial and therefore interesting. I
really don't see why we must drop them. See, the palette is not only
something you pick predefined colors from. It's something that
influences your thinking as you draw, and thus the art you produce.

absolutely concur.  a palette is an environment from which we draw inspiration.

> Keep,  tango, echo, ubuntu, XP, latex, websafe22, webhex

So basically, your proposal can be described thus: remove all palettes
with color-related names and color-meaningful colors, and only leave
those named in technial mumbo-jumbo, with colors defined by some
third-party technical artefacts :)

Sorry but I object.

Well said sir!

I agree that inkscape is a creative tool first and an icon/interface engineering app a distant second.

That being said, I know those palettes to be invaluable for a specific task. Most of which have large enough audiences to warrant their inclusion.  I would never object to a beautiful selection of colors being included simple because they werent made for a desktop. But these should certainly stay, unfortunately the names are what they are and serve to identify their most common purpose.

Inkscape is not a Tango editor. It is not an Android editor. It is a
general-purpose vector editor, and its default palette therefore tries
to strike a balance between size and color coverage, ignoring any
technical limitations of any third-party icon sets or interfaces. If
you want to design to these limitations, you can. But making them the
default is the same as making Comic Sans a default font in text

I withdraw my recommendation. you are absolutely correct. 

The default palette has a section with primary hues. If they are
frequently insufficient, let's discuss expanding that section. But the
it must contain really _primary_ colors, not some "tango" or "android"

okay I agree, and I think they are sufficient but lets only keep the first 30 and not have those other lightness stepping variations of primaries its causing that unsightly scrollbar to appear and for no good reason.  Like i said, variations are what the fill and stroke panel is best for

Thanks for the really good points Bulia.