Just a couple observations: 1) The English words chosen for the various fields in the UI are not very amateur (non-professional/non-educated) friendly. 2) The ability to hang Inkscape unintentionally if an image is not small enough (with no related warning) is disconcerting.

Granted, I didn't use small art as one of the first searches turned up when using the terms "8-bit zelda" was at a much higher resolution... which seemed like a good reason to test it. It seems like it should operate with relatively similar speed, regardless of size, when you're just dealing with interpreting "blocks" (granted I know on a technical level it's pixels, but uneducated users may run across something like http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/340/9/3/link_the_legend_of_zelda_8bit_full_hd_by_racamo7-d4id3wn.png and say "well, it's pixel art" because they're just looking at the blockiness of it and doing those simple searches). Again, I understand the technical meaning of pixels and what the intended functionality is, but perhaps if an image above a certain resolution is detected as the selection, the dialog should show a warning about the amount of time it may take.

Very nice results otherwise from my limited testing. :)


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira <vini.ipsmaker@...400...> wrote:
Em Qua, 2013-09-18 às 21:23 -0400, Martin Owens escreveu:

If you're happy with it, then merge it to trunk. The thing about trunk
is 'with great power comes great responsibility' and thus if something
goes wrong, you should have the time/intention to help fix it too.

Free software development is not something completely weird to me and I got the feeling that I should merge after I fixed the blocker issues and got no replies for some time. I just asked here in the list, because I thought it'd be disrespectful with all you guys. Thanks for the reply. I'm more confident now.

Code merged (with some updates regarding own Inkscape interfaces evolution).

Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira

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