2009/11/3 Nicolas Dufour <nicoduf@...48...>:
De : Hleb Valoshka <375gnu@...400...>
Good news! I've found a free version of Pushkin font (the script one used in 0.46 screens), called newPushkin (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pushkin?content=106881). All the screens (except the original one, since I still don't know if I can change it) are now translated with this font.
Imho this font looks ugly (but a bit better with drop shadow). What about teams (package t1-teams in debian and derivatives)? Imho splash looks more consistent with it.
I've no opinion about it. The translations use (new)Pushkin because the author wanted to reuse the 0.46 font. Thus I won't change it except if Johan asks me to.
I noticed that this font has a misdrawn "ł" letter. Maybe the author will correct this. Fortunately the Polish translation of the About screen doesn't contain an ł. Posting this link anyway, for the benefit of all :)
Regards, Krzysztof