On Dec 19, 2007 4:34 PM, Gerrit . <g99k@...19...> wrote:
My question is: what would be the best way to represent frames (as in frame-based animation) in the SVG code?
Afaik SVG doesn't have the concept of frames. SMIL animation can change references of use elements, but these are just normal symbols. Are there any plans to include animation or frames in Inkscape anytime soon? If so, I'd like to use the representation favoured by the respective developers. Otherwise, I might just use some interim attribute, e.g. class="frame" or something.
I think the best you can do is emulate frames with layers. Create a few layers in Inkscape and see how they are represented in SVG - it's just a <g> with some extension attributes. I don't think you need to add any more metadata attributes; just name your layers appropriately, e.g. Frame 1, etc. Make sure only the first frame layer is visible, and others are hidden.