On Thu, 2016-04-21 at 17:42 +0200, Xaviju Julián wrote:
I am currently working on the responsibilities of the team as we agreed (totally inspired by libreoffice) and including some of the topics of the meeting we had. I would like to share the draft to be edited, how do you usually do that, through the Wiki or in an external app like Firepad?
Thanks Xaviju,
You can use the website for that too, there's a pastebin. But the wiki is also a good place. We want to have a record of these things so either one is good. An external app is more likely to get lost.
Thanks for your hard work. The Gallery changes we want are in progress too. So I'll present the website soon maybe in a video for review (I expect changes as we develop the workflow).
Best Regards, Martin Owens