I created a crude Python script that took an svg drawing, created a bunch of copies with sequential numbering(000001.svg 000002.svg etc) and then the script modified elements within each frame. I then converted them to PNGs to in turn become an animation via Mencoder.
Although my program works, it's still pretty much junk because it is such pain to use. I am teaching myself C/C++, I I thought I would try to redo it in C or C++ for programming practice and hopefully improve it as well.
So to get to the point(sorry for the ramble) I was wondering if there is a standard C or C++ library (XML based I guess?)that Inkscape uses for SVG manipulation? On the of chance that my coding yields something useful I love to share it, so I might as well start with something that is already being used.
Finally I am also not very good at Javascript. I was thinking that I could write a javascript program to refresh a browser so that each svg frame would be displayed in turn to preview the coming animation, transforming the SVG frames to PNGs is a pain. Does anyone know a javascript function that would help achieve this?
Sorry if these questions are dumb....