I have compiled Inkscape completely according to instructions given on this link http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Win32Port
but as given there is no executable in the inkscape directory.
That's why nsis installer is also giving error in creating installer.
Just a few more details could help. What exactly did you do, and what was the result? In particular, where there any errors during compilation? (Compilation should end with a whole lot of things being copied and then showing the total amount of time spent on the compilation.) Did you make sure that you have both devlibs and trunk, and that the paths in mingwenv.bat point to the right locations? Are you using TDM's gcc? Have you built buildtool? Do you get a build directory? If so, what does it contain? Etc., etc.
I did each and every step as given on the link , I've provided. There weren't any error's in the compilation. yes, I've both devlibs and trunk and here is the mingwenv.bat
@echo Setting environment variables for MinGw build of Inkscape IF "%DEVLIBS_PATH%"=="" set DEVLIBS_PATH=c:\devlibs IF "%MINGW_PATH%"=="" set MINGW_PATH=c:\MinGW set MINGW_BIN=%MINGW_PATH%\bin set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%DEVLIBS_PATH%\lib\pkgconfig set PATH=%MINGW_BIN%;%PATH%;%DEVLIBS_PATH%\bin;%DEVLIBS_PATH%\pytho
which points to the right locations.