PDF does not support blur, let alone PS. The only workaround you have is to convert blur to bitmap before exporting.
I think inkscape needs a pre-flight dialog then which gives you errors, warnings and messages concerning your export, otherwise the inexperianced user will struggle to understand why blur failed to export, much less how they can get around the issue. CorelDRAW has a rather nice example of a pre-flight dialog for printing.
---------------------------------------- From: "bulia byak" <buliabyak@...400...> Sent: 23 August 2007 23:51 To: "Adib Taraben" <taraben.a@...1512...> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Time to start thinking about a release?
On 8/23/07, Adib Taraben wrote:
also we need to mark the things that _have to_ go into the release. I do a lot of technical drawings and for me it is absolutely necessary to include the blur into the pdf and ps export formats.
PDF does not support blur, let alone PS. The only workaround you have is to convert blur to bitmap before exporting. We may eventually add an option to do this automatically but I don't think it's particularly high priority because the workaround is easy (just press Alt+B).