Aaron Spike wrote:
I took over maintaining the Inkscape Autopackages both to relieve Mike Hearn, who was not an Inkscape developer, and to increase my knowledge in how applications are compiled and packaged on linux. Since then my free time has diminished and my interests have shifted. So I'm looking for an interested group or individual to assume this responsibility. Some knowledge of compiling applications on linux or a strong desire to learn recommended. :-)
Aaron Spike
I'd be interested, especially if you don't get any more knowledgeable volunteers. I'm relatively new to linux, having switched from windows to ubuntu this past summer, but I'm sure this would be something I could learn to do. I haven't done any compiling yet but would like to learn and this would also be a way to pitch in since I'm such an avid Inkscape user. So put me on the list of interested people and if you wind up going with others who can hit the ground running, I certainly won't feel jilted.
Matt Jordan