the operative message appears to be:
============ cmd ============
windres -o build/obj/inkres.o --include-dir=src src/inkscape.rc
Make error line 444: RC problem: windres: src/inkscape.rc:6: syntax error
full text is:
C:\InkscapeBZR>btool dist-inkscape
# BuildTool v0.9.9multi
######## PARSE : build.xml
============ cmd ============
bzr revno
######## EXECUTE
##### Target : init
##### Do all preparatory tasks, like make directories and copy files
--- init / mkdir
mkdir : build
--- init / mkdir
mkdir : inkscape
--- init / copy
copy : src/helper/sp-marshal.h.mingw to src/helper/sp-marshal.h
copy : skipped
--- init / copy
copy : src/helper/sp-marshal.cpp.mingw to src/helper/sp-marshal.cpp
copy : skipped
--- init / makefile
============ cmd ============
bzr revno
makefile : src/inkscape-version.cpp
makefile : skipped
--- init / makefile
makefile : config.h
makefile : skipped
##### Target : cxxtest
##### generate test files
--- cxxtest / cxxtestpart
--- cxxtest / cxxtestpart
--- cxxtest / cxxtestpart
--- cxxtest / cxxtestpart
--- cxxtest / cxxtestpart
--- cxxtest / cxxtestpart
--- cxxtest / cxxtestroot
##### Target : compile
##### compile the source to .o
--- compile / cc
cc : compile with 1 threads in parallel
##### Target : link
##### link objects and library to create executable
--- link / rc
============ cmd ============
windres -o build/obj/inkres.o --include-dir=src src/inkscape.rc
Make error line 444: RC problem: windres: src/inkscape.rc:6: syntax error
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