Hmm, that is odd. I've been working from svn, hacked path-prefix.h up a few weeks ago. I'm thinking that the issue was fixed in source control before I even raised the issue. I've nuked the patched version of path-prefix.h and re-checked out from svn (12184), now rebuilding from source, and it looks like the defines are all in place now.
Re: building universal binaries - I certainly can cross-compile on a PPC system. The step I'd need to take first though would be to completely isolate my build system - including dependencies. I'm currently building support libraries with fink-unstable and while that takes a lot of the work out of patching and configuring dependencies, it also leaves a bit of a mess. I'll see what I can do today about cleaning up, isolating and rebuilding dependencies (gtk, gtkmm, pango) from source outside of the system path.
On Jun 3, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 03/06/06, David Himelright <himelright.2@...1307...> wrote:
I'm building at home on a Tiger (10.4.6) G4 system, and we've got some G5s at work running other versions.
Incidentally, I wish our lab had some Intel Macs so I could offer to patch the packaging scripts for universal binary, but I might be able to find one if I look around.
David, we very definitely need someone to investigate producing a Universal Binary for version 0.44; I cannot see my way to doing anything about it.
You might want to look at which I came acroos about a week ago whilst looking for something else.
On your problem: The page at differs from my checked out version.
Are you working from svn or from some tarball?
On Jun 3, 2006, at 2:37 PM, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 03/06/06, Jon A. Cruz <jon@...18...> wrote:
On Jun 3, 2006, at 10:57 AM, David Vincent Himelright wrote:
FYI, I just joined inkscape-devel and I'm building on Mac OS X/ PPC. There are some redefinitions of preprocessor macros in path- prefix.h that break the build on my platform (CREATE_GRADIENTSDIR, CREATE_PALETTESDIR, CREATE_PATTERNSDIR).
Can you point out which OS X version, etc. you have?
This is a True Bill, but I thought that it been fixed in svn.
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