Matt Jordan wrote:
I'd be interested, especially if you don't get any more knowledgeable volunteers. I'm relatively new to linux, having switched from windows to ubuntu this past summer, but I'm sure this would be something I could learn to do. I haven't done any compiling yet but would like to learn and this would also be a way to pitch in since I'm such an avid Inkscape user. So put me on the list of interested people and if you wind up going with others who can hit the ground running, I certainly won't feel jilted.
Let's do it!
Even if there are other volunteers, it helps to have a few people to fill every role in the project.
Building autopackages taught me a lot about building software very quickly. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
For Matt and any other interested parties, the old instructions on the wiki are still very relevant. There is some work that needs to be done to update our process to Autopackage 1.2 and a few loose ends to tie up with dependencies.
Aaron Spike