Jon A. Cruz wrote:
The problem is that last time I checked there was still a lack of free UI tools for git on par with others.
There is not yet fully functional explorer integration on Windows (cf TortoiseSVN). It would be cool if someone picked up git-cheetah (http://repo.or.cz/w/git-cheetah.git/).
gitgui and gitk deserve mention. I have very little experience with either tool but they seemed useful.
There are also some issues with windows support.
There indeed are some issues, but the mingw port has been progressing quickly. Each time I check it is more useable. I'm now using it lightly on windows for a few projects at work. (http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/)
Now, I think that for people who use command-line tools git is probably nicer, but that leaves out the group who doesn't.
I think you make valid points that deserves more investigation.
Aaron Spike