For me, it's not just buttons, but also menu icons, SVG documents, and more.
Looks like something very basic is broken. Since I cannot reproduce this, I would appreciate if you could find out the exact point in time when this started to happen. Use backdated CVS checkouts (the -D switch) to find the most recent date on which the CVS was is OK (maybe pre-0.38?), and also the first date on which it is broken. Then we can make a diff between these two dates to figure out the reason. If you manage to find the day of breakage and if that day's diff is big (which is possible, given the rate of checkins we're having on average), try to narrow it down to a few hours. For example:
cvs -d:ext:a_b@...318...:/cvsroot/inkscape checkout -D"2004-04-04 12:00" inkscape
will give you the CVS as it was on that date at midday.
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