On 1/6/07, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
No, I mean the size of the stripes used by sp_png_write_rgba_striped (in helper/png-write.cpp).
Ah, so that will only affect export.
Currently hard-coded to a maximum of 64 pixel
rows, regardless of their width btw (even though sp_export_png_file can specify a larger stripe height). What I would like to propose is:
- Remove the hard-coded limit from sp_png_write_rgba_striped (the h =
min(height-r,64) line).
- Using the size of the pixblock allocated instead of a maximum row count.
- Making the maximum stripe size larger and/or configurable, as it is
incredibly small at the moment and it can apparently make quite a difference in performance (although I expect, or at least hope, it will usually not be as dramatic as in the example above).
Sounds like a good plan to me.
The only downside to this that I can see at the moment is that it might make exporting less responsive
If you mean that there will be less opportunities to interrupt export, then it's not such a big problem (unlike interrupting regular display), especially if the gain in speed is big enough.