First off... VERY sorry for the delayed reply!
On Sep 12, 2013 4:35 AM, "Sebastian Götte" <jaseg@...2974...> wrote:
I see the problem. I do not really like this solution myself, but I think
using plain clicks would be even worse. During testing I found the single-click point creation extremely annoying when modifying a selection. The other tools that allow single-click object creation (curve, pencil etc.) unlike the connector tool do not allow object selection. I rather break with the single-click object creation pattern that is used everywhere else than with the single-click object selection pattern.
This makes a little more sense to me now. I apparently missed the fact that you could select objects with the tool itself. It still seems "off" though... what about the possibility of double-click to create a CP (Connector Point) or maybe Ctrl+Alt+Click can both either create or delete a CP (the Ctrl+Alt+Click would then be consistent with the node tool and gradient tool for creating/removing their respective "points"). Shift+Click would be more consistent in an add-to-selection context... which maybe one day could be useful (the following sentence is NOT in the scope of your SoC project). Select whatever CPs you want and a button on the Controls Bar would connect all CPs in the selection.
Additionally, I don't think it's terribly useful that a person can create a connector without the context of connection points (I could be wrong about this).
What do you mean by this?
I was mistaken with my initial observation. I guess my issue is being able to click an existing CP and be able to drag out a connector which then creates another CP on release that doesn't appear to be anchored to the desired target (sometimes rather close to another existing CP it will still create another).
However, relating to the selection and creation abilities above. The problem I see currently (which I just verified with r12417 of the branch) is that I can single click an object and Shift+Click to create a CP, select a different object and create a CP for that one, then I can connect the two points... but when I move the parent objects the CPs aren't "attached" to them.