On 11/23/05, Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...> wrote:
I would like to see the Fill and Stroke dialog changed so that if no
object is selected the dialog can be used to change the default drawing style.
We don't have "default drawing style". We have "last set fill/stroke color" which most tools use by default (and all can use if you tell them to). This color is changed, naturally, when you set a color to anything by any means.
This would be of benefit when one first draws a background object and then wants to add additional objects on top of the background. In the current situation, the new objects are "invisible" until their style is changed.
Not really.
1. Draw a big rect. For example, suppose it's blue.
2. Draw a small rect on top. At first it's blue too. Now paint it red.
3. Draw more small rects. All of them will start red, without you doing anything special for that.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org