On Sat, 24 Feb 2018 09:23:12 +0100 Mihaela <mihaela.jurkovic@...400...> wrote:
Hi all!
During preparations for forum migration (inkscapeforum.com) a topic of tracking website user statistics came up as worthy of deeper discussion.
It seems that a lot of Inkscapers are against using analytics, or they prefer more open and transparent ways of getting information about our visitors.
It would be useful if we could come up with a very clear set of guidelines that would apply throughout the Inkscape project regarding this topic.
Some suggestion topics for discussion: • Which services should be avoided (Google Analytics, server side logs, ...)
I'd rather use one of https://duckduckgo.com/?q=open+source+alternatives+google+analytics&ia=w... instead of GAnalytics. I dont see a problem with analysing server-side logs.
• What kind of tracking (if any) is allowed to be implemented? • If it's implemented how should the users be informed (up front before registering, as part of official policy or as a separate notification)?
possibly in the ToS. See http://www.shlomifish.org/meta/privacy-policy/ .
• Should it all be 100% opt-in for each person individually? With fine-grained control over which data is free to be collected?
i think opt-in would be overreacting.
Mihaela aka prkos