Hi all!
I just heard the great news! Thanks for giving me this opportunity again! Congratulations Felipe, Marco, Jasper and Max! Special note to Max and Marco: since you do geometry things, I'd be happy to work more closely with you if possible and desired :) To Jasper: is it okay if I bug you about path tests? :) Really excited by the project ideas that were accepted! Now, to the topic of this mail: GSoC branches, yes/no.
I will be doing under-the-hood refactoring, and I am thinking about whether or not to work in my own svn branch. Pros: I can break builds with partial commits and/or make bad bad bugs. Cons: I won't discover bad bugs.
I'd like to work in trunk, because of the bugs issue and because it will force me to immediately handle new code by others. Moreover, I will be forced to make changes that build and function and won't be drawn into making a half-way solution that will not work at the end of GSOC.
For the people that are afraid I will be messing up trunk badly: I first intend to do changes in the way the code accesses the path data, then make a test function for conversion to 2geom, then have both representations in inkscape at the same time and constantly check whether they are the same, etc. I intend to do small steps towards completely going to 2geom, so I am more sure that it actually works and did not introduce new bugs.
Please let me know what you think of this.
Cheers! Johan