Hi Friends, Another FAQ item which doesn't seem to make sense, and that I'm not familiar with -- How to open CDR files. (Currently item 6.8 but will be moved in updated faq). Here's what it says now: ____________________ You can use UniConvertor for converting CDR files and some other formats to SVG. In Inkscape 0.46+, there's an input extension that will allow you to open or import CDR files directly from Inkscape if you have UniConvertor installed on your system.
If you can't run UniConvertor, you can try this workaround:
1 - Open the CDR file in Corel Draw. Save it as a binary encoded CGM* file. It will save only vector graphics. It will not save bitmap graphics. 2 - Open the CGM file in OpenOffice Impress. Copy to Open Office Draw and insert original JPG or another bitmap graphics. Save file as ODG And you can continue in Open Office Draw program.) 3 - Select all (CTRL+A) 4 - Export as SVG. 5 - Open SVG file in Inkscape and correct mistakes if they appear.
Note: OpenOffice will open only binary encoded CGM files in Impress. If the CGM is encoded using clear-text encoding, it will be opened in OpenOfice Writer, thus rendering the next steps invalid. ____________________
It's the workaround that's not making sense. #2 about inserting JPG -- I might guess that maybe CDR files can contain both raster and vector images?? But it's not clear at all. I mean, this workaround requires the user to have Corel Draw, Open Office Impress, and OO Draw, all installed. With all that, and they still need Inkscape? I'm not sure the workaround is even worth keeping -- especially not if it's out of date. And there's a close parenthesis which didn't have an open parenthesis. So I think something has been edited incompletely. However, if that's still a valid workaround, I'll keep it in place. Would someone please give me a quick verdict on that? If worth keeping, any edits needed?
Thank you so very much :-) All best, brynn