Guillermo Espertino wrote:
Theme changers are quite common in shareware/freeware apps for windows, so I don't think that would be a big deal if we put Tangos as default and let people change it back to the current set if they don't like it. (...) In my honest opinion, for people who sees inkscape as a freebie, a UI option for changing the icon set will be enough.
No, no, no! This only makes some sense on Windows. On Linux we already have the GTK icon theme mechanism. We don't need a theme changer like OO.o (which is an outstanding example how not to do cross platform desktop integration). We need this:
We can also have a different icon set on Windows. I think I will work on implementing this before tearing apart the extension system to add GIO support. The old icons will be embedded in the application, while the new Tango icons will be installed in /usr/share/inkscape/icons/hicolor. This way everyone will be happy including me (I am maintaining Gartoon Redux).
Regards, Krzysztof Kosiński