28 Feb
28 Feb
6:16 p.m.
On 2007-02-28, at 16:14, jiho wrote:
in the Terminal window (copy-paste works of course). This involves compiling lots of stuff which is quite long once it starts so you may want to do this during the night in order to kept your computer responsive when you work on other stuff during the day. Do not mind the part about MMX optimization and such, this is outdated. Just run: sudo port install boehmgc gtkmm gnome-vfs intltool libxslt lcms popt and sudo port install aspell libgnomeprintui and report when you're done.
How mutch time and diskspace it would take? I have G4 1,33GHz, for the sake of record.
OK, if I will have this stuff compiled, it means that I schould run 'make' script from directory of Inkscape source code?