Okay, I'll fix that now... I know that there is still some things left to do, e. g. turning some methods into member methods. But actually, I didn't notice any obvious bugs and keeping all the work in a separate branch gets quite difficult for me when there are so many people making changes to the files I modified. I will of course further refactor the classes I started with :) .
Regards, Markus
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Krzysztof Kosiński [mailto:tweenk.pl@...400...] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013 21:01 An: Markus Engel Cc: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Betreff: Re: GObject removal branch
2013/7/31 Markus Engel <p637777@...1081...>:
- singleton.h should be merged into sp-factory.h. Singletons should be avoided where possible, so a separate singleton header is not a good idea. Boost doesn't have a singleton header for the same reason.
I just did that as I noticed there are some other classes that use a singleton pattern as well, e. g. DocumentMetadata.
Using a singleton is OK in the case of SPFactory, since I don't think there is any use in defining some other set of SPObject-constructing functions. The only issue I have here is that the content of singleton.h should be in sp-factory.h.
Regards, Krzysztof