On 2009-January-07 , at 04:42 , step21 wrote:
So anyway on irc verbalshadow just told me to say hi to the list and that eventual problems / upload possibilities would/could be handled here better.
it's good to hear that some people are working on that. I haven't had time to do anything for a few months now, so the devel builds lag very much behind. If you got it native, that's even better.
I think Michael answered your specific problems. I would just point this python script: http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-users/2007-February/001727.ht... that seems to more or less do what osx-app.sh does. There does not seems to be a standard way of packaging stuff from macports into an osx .app bundle since Gimp is doing something different yet: http://darwingimp.sourceforge.net/buildgimp.html but exploring both possibilities to find the best one (osx-app.sh, the python script and possibly what gimp does) is probably worth it.
As for the uploading, I can help with that, that's easy. Just let me know when you are ready.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/