A year ago we kicked off a rapid 0.92 release, but turns out it wasn't so rapid! But I'd like to re-kickoff 0.92, with renewed hopes of getting through the remainder of the release process swiftly.
The main thing the release got hung up on was the cmake transition, but at this point it's actually close to done and I think we can proceed.
We've accumulated a lot of nice features for this release. Please review (and make sure your own items are listed!)
I'd like to propose the following expedited plan for getting the release out, with Chill being today, Frost in about a week, and Freeze a week or so.
# Period Tasks Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- √1. Open development. √Implement new build system √Begin switching packaging to use new build system
2. Chill. Development focuses on wrapping up Post inkscape-0.92-pre0.tar.gz Today Disable features that aren't finished Identify 'make distcheck' issues Identify remaining writing needed for Release Notes. Identify any release blocker bugs [scislac] Start an About Screen contest √ Recruit Release Wardens for Hard Freeze
3. Frost. Only production-ready code committed to Mainline Finalize any major changes to platform packaging May 15 Inkscape must pass 'make distcheck' (1 wk) Finalize about screen Finalize Release Notes except Known Issues Post additional inkscape-0.92-pre*.tar.gz releases Packagers test creating pkgs of the -pre* releases
4. Freeze. Stable Branch is forked from Mainline Regular development resumes on Mainline. May 22nd-ish Only Release Wardens can commit to Stable Branch Cherrypick bug fixes from Mainline to Stable Complete any late work under advisement of Wardens Focus on release-critical bug fixing. String Freeze No further string changes allowed on Stable Branch. Translators work on translations. Finalize all extensions Finalize codebase translations Finalize Known Issues section of Release Notes Finalize packaging scripts Post additional inkscape-0.92-pre*.tar.gz releases
5. Release. Post inkscape-0.92.tar.gz Post packages Post official announcements Plan 0.92.1+ release(s), if needed
6. Open development.
== Postponed ==
Decide new unit testing system Ensure Windows uninstall works Integrate new swatch dialog Migrate mailing lists off sourceforge (Other bits off roadmap...)
Triage and prioritize bugs report this year
Finalize tutorials to be shipped with release Finalize other docs included in the release