well... I forgot to mention, but this message was addressed to Nicholas Bishop
On Jan 31, 2008 6:41 AM, Felipe Sanches <felipe.sanches@...400...> wrote:
I have noticed the need for a way to configure x,y,width and height for the filtered area. These are paremeters of the <filter/> node.
I am trying to code it but I got some problems that I was not able to solve. Maybe you can help me. Please take a look at this patch.
It substitutes the original _settings_box by a Gtk::Notebook with 2 tabs. In the first tab we have the filter primitive settings. In the second tab I have put the filter settings (x,y,width and height)
My doubts are:
- am I coding correctly the setting of filter node parameters?
- why doesn't the filter node parameters start hidden as it happens
with the primitive settings? 3) we have some problem with the labels of the filter node settings.
Could you please review this patch? It would be great to see this on pre1 release which seems to be scheduled for tonight. And it is certainly necessary for 0.46!
best wishes, Juca
PS: I also thought it would be cool to have these being adjustable by handles on canvas maybe, but that's not the case by now. Maybe we can work on this possible enhancement in a future version of inkscape.