Bryce Harrington wrote:
Ted is focusing on cleaning up extension parameters and felt he'd have this wrapped up by the end of the month. The plan is to have longer text (tool tips) available, and a few more widgets. More spacing in the autogui will be added to make it look nicer.
- Ted reports there is an unverified bug in the ordering of the effects in the menu, to be investigated.
The Extension Editor is further off, and not being planned for this release.
5/1 - Ted reports the feature is not yet working, but feels it shouldn't be a problem to get it fixed in the next couple weeks.
I don't know what was contained in last night's committing spree by Ted, but IMHO the most needed addition to the autogui is an explanatory paragraph. Ted, if this isn't part of your immediate plans can you give me a few pointers so that I could try to hack it out before release?
Python Extensions on Windows
!!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
Bulia reports that extensions that rely on PyXML still do not work on Windows. Due to the number of python extensions, this would be a major missing feature for Windows users.
I can not reproduce this report. I just tested Daniels build dated 0605020200 and Bob's build dated 0604281723 on a freshly built computer that has never seen the light of Python. I experienced no errors and the effects I tested functioned properly.
I'd like a few other opinions. The the black shell window that pops up when invoking python.exe has proven very confusing for the Wishbladers, who are representitive of our least technical users. The uninitiated often close this window and wonder why they see no effect. Would it be possible to replace a call to python.exe with a call to pythonw.exe and what would take the place of the black shell window that we currently use as a sort of progress indicator?
Aaron Spike