Status as of r9962
1 Selection 1.1 tabbing through nodes|sub-paths, finding first/last node
1.2 node status details not shown in notification area in 0.48
Won't fix in 0.48.1 due to the necessary string changes; can be fixed in 0.48.2 or 0.49
1.3 notify about number of (sub-)paths in the node selection
See above
1.4 skew transformation handles missing for x- or y-aligned nodes
Won't fix - skew handles are hidden on purpose. Otherwise they would overlap with rotation handles, making either difficult to use. I could introduce a setting in 0.48.2 that allows you to pick which handles are shown in preference.
2 Transforming nodes 2.1 Stamping tool does not work with node tool in version 0.48
Will fix in 0.48.1
2.2 Multiple Nodes Do Not Move Along Path in 0.48
2.3 "Join selected nodes" adds an extraneous node when joining near-duplicate nodes
Essentially a duplicate of: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/515237 - requires changes in path data output
2.4 Skew transformation is not updated in path data
2.5 duplicate node(s) with 'Shift+D'
Endnode problem - fixed; handle problem - this is on purpose, this behavior makes more sense to me. We also avoid introducing visual artifacts into the path.
2.6 break/join nodes shifts start node of closed path
Won't fix
2.7 node aligning vs averaging
Won't fix - order of selection is not stored for nodes; should be fixed by introducing new buttons / options to the A&D dialog
3 Transforming handles 3.1 lost feature when rotating or scaling handles via kb
Can't reproduce reliably, seems to be a problem with unreliable events
3.1 Handle can't be "fixed" when node smoothing in 0.48
3.3 Constrained rotation of handles with 'Ctrl+drag'
3.4 preserve symmetric shape when deleting a node
An example of wrong and correct behavior would be very useful
4 Node types 4.1 Shift+S convert cusp to semi-smooth, then smooth node?
Can't reproduce - pressing Shift+S the second time extend the second handle for me
4.2 Tangent node doesn't remain smooth after removing control handles
4.3 Node editor lies about node type when you convert a curve with smooth nodes to straight
5 Node sculpting 5.1 sculpting pressure sensitivity
Won't fix for now - can't see a way to implement this that is consistent with the effect of other modifiers and mouse sculpting (history of the current drag is not taken into account when determining the result, only the current position and modifier state)
5.2 sculpting node handles
Fixed some time ago
5.3 sculpting profiles
Could be addressed in 0.48.2 if there is user demand
6 Snapping 6.1 Nodes rotation center doesn't snap to grid
6.2 Scale/stretch/skew transforms with transform handles don't snap
Won't fix for 0.48.1 - this is rather complex, could fix in 0.48.2 or 0.49
7 Edit clip-path/mask/pattern/textframe 7.1 node-edit frame of flowed-text
Won't fix for 0.48.1
7.2 edit mask/clip of spiro path
A case of "everything needs to be special cased for LPEs" - won't fix for 0.48.1
7.3 Make pattern assigned to group editable with the node tool
Won't fix for 0.48.1
7.4 Editing a mask or clip Shape object doesn't work
Fixed some time ago - I tested with a rectangle. No outline is shown though, which could be fixed in 0.49 or later.
8 LPE 8.1 switcher does not show with Knot LPE
Workaround: deselect after applying knot effect, then select again
8.2 show all parameter paths while node-editing a path with an LPE
This and the item above are another case of "everything needs to be special cased for LPEs". Instead of breaking the node tool further to accomodate LPEs, I'd rather spend some time fixing their API so that supporting them isn't such a pain. Could be addressed in 0.49.
9 Keyboard shortcuts 9.1 panning with space+LMB fails
How do I trigger this in the selector tool? It doesn't seem to work for me at all. Do I need to enable this somewhere?
Regards, Krzysztof