I'm in Tokyo, but I hardly qualify as an inkscape developer. Maybe I can talk about how I implemented the really cool paint bucket cursor for inkscape 0.46. :-)
Still if no one else can do it, I'd be happy to serve in a pinch.
On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 07:54 +0200, Chris Lilley wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Is it possible to have someone from Inkscape at SVG Open 2007? This
> year its in Tokyo, Japan on 4-7 September - are there Japanese
> developers for Inkscape? Or someone in that area of the world?
> http://www.svgopen.org/
> The conference will be bilingual English and Japanese (so a talk can
> be in either language). The call for participation recently closed,
> but the conference committee would be flexible if an Inkscape
> presentation was received.
Heya, I'm emailing the inkscape-devel list about this. I might be in the
area around then, otherwise, if you all are providing travel
sponsorship, then, I'm sure there is an inkscape developer that can make
it to present and get in depth.
I believe Ted wants to go to Japan to present...Andy might be able to go
I need to go there and tend to some cc business, so that might fit my
timeline as well...
Jon Phillips
San Francisco, CA
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