The apturl manpage indicates that apturl can handle installation from PPAs. The following example syntax is given:
However, the manpage says that this is currently disabled owing to security concerns, so I guess we could only handle one-click installation from the Ubuntu repository rather than an upstream PPA at the moment.
On 1 October 2011 13:31, Josh Andler <scislac@...400...> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Alex Valavanis <valavanisalex@...400...> wrote:
It may also be worth mentioning on the download page that Ubuntu users (and possibly Debian too?) can download and install the official Ubuntu binary package of Inkscape by just clicking on a link to apt://inkscape in their browser... that's a lot less scary for novice users than compiling it themselves from source!
In addition to this, is there such a handler for PPA URLs if one does not already have a PPA in their sources list? It would just be nice to add to the nightly list too.
Cheers, Josh